See How You Can Help End Childhood Hunger

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It takes hundreds of volunteers each week to prepare and pack over 35,000 meals for hungry children in Houston. Sign up to feed our future today!

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Food For Thought

Every day in Houston, there are more that 80,000 preschool-aged children, or 1 out of 5 preschool-aged children, who may not know where their next meal is coming from. Harris County has the highest rate of child food insecurity in the nation for highly populated areas, meaning our children have limited or unreliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food.

Kids’ Meals’ mission is to end childhood hunger in Houston by delivering free healthy meals, year-round to the doorsteps of Houston’s hungriest preschool-aged children and through collaboration provide their families with resources to end the cycle of poverty.

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The Cycle of Poverty
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